EMBARGOED: 12 noon 8 June
Ingham’s Expands National Network and Closes a NSW Plant
Cardiff, NSW (8 June 2016): As part of a national strategy to expand capacity, upgrade capability and improve productivity across its network, Ingham’s Enterprises Pty Limited advised today that it will cease production at its Cardiff processing plant in NSW by end of August 2016.
The company today advised its 199 employees and casual workforce of the closure, reassured them that all employee obligations will be met, and that it was committed to working closely with them to help them find and transition into new opportunities both within and outside the company. This will include supporting them through facilitating redeployment to other sites where possible, providing resources for training, outplacement and counselling services, and facilitating engagement with relevant support agencies and community groups.
The decision to cease production at Cardiff follows a detailed review of Ingham’s national supply chain that has seen significant investment committed to larger more efficient processing plants interstate, with a consequent reduction in volumes processed through the Cardiff facility over recent times.
A total of over $400 million will be invested across the network by Ingham’s and its supply partners to expand capacity and improve capability. This investment is focussed on Ingham’s South Australian and Queensland operations with smaller investments in Victoria and Western Australia. Investment is underway in all aspects of its integrated supply chain across breeder farms, hatcheries, feed mills and processing plants, resulting in the creation of hundreds of jobs in those states.
This new investment is integral to Ingham’s strategy of building capacity to support growth and continuing to deliver the highest quality products and service to its customers, while remaining competitive as Australia and New Zealand’s largest integrated poultry producer in what is the fastest growing meat protein sector.
Ingham’s CEO Mick McMahon said: “Cardiff has been an important part of the Ingham’s business for almost 40 years and we thank our very loyal workforce who have contributed greatly to our business during this time. Our major focus now is on working closely to assist our people through this transition period.”
“We thought long and hard about this decision, recognising the effects on our local workforce and the community. Ultimately, there was no alternative. The plant is simply not large enough and this has been compounded by recent reductions in volumes as capacity switched to larger more efficient plants elsewhere in the network.”
“Our Cardiff plant today has less than 15% of the volume of Ingham’s larger plants, and its small scale doesn’t support the investment in the state of the art equipment that we are putting into the larger plants.” “The plant closure will not affect our customers or result in reduced overall production with volumes being replaced at other plants across our national supply chain,” Mr McMahon concluded.
While there will be some consequent reduction in required farming capacity in New South Wales, Ingham’s will continue to have a significant presence in the state after the planned closure with three processing facilities, three feed mills, a number of breeder farms, its turkey business, a distribution centre and its national head office remaining in the state.
The company’s feed mill also located in Cardiff is not directly affected by the plant closure and will continue to operate as usual.
About Ingham’s
Ingham’s is Australia and New Zealand’s leading integrated poultry producer supplying leading retail, quick service restaurant and food service customers, processing over 4 million birds per week and employing around 8,000 people across approximately 260 farms, eight hatcheries, 10 feed mills, seven primary processing and five further processing plants.
Media Contacts
Andreas Dubs
M: 0418 719 857
E: adubs@inghams.com.au
Veneta Chapple
M: + 61 (0) 455 372 311
E: vchapple@inghams.com.au